
Thursday, 10 April 2014

Genesis Chapter 33




1 Now Jacob looked up and saw Esau coming, and four hundred men with him. So he divided the children among Leah and Rachel and the two maids.

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 1)

After a long journey full of many trials and tribulations finally comes the most important moment when Esau and Jacob meet after a period of fourteen years. As a safety precaution Jacob divides his family and property into groups, so that if Esau was to destroy one group, he would have the other left. Up to this moment Jacob was reasoning as a human more than a spiritual person, who is following the will of God. As in the case of Esau and Jacob by means of our sins, in a certain sense we also are deceptive with God, by siding with the devil instead of acting in favour of God. However although at times we go against His will He is always there ready to welcome us back home with outstretched arms and a happy smiling face.

2 He put the maids with their children in front, then Leah with her children, and Rachel and Joseph last of all.

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 2)

As already mentioned when Jacob saw Esau coming he did no know what Esau's behaviour would be like, in the sense of his coming in peace or with the intention of revenge. In order to stimulate Esau's mercy Jacob placed his family in the following order: first he placed the maids and their children, who were followed by Leah and her children and then Rachel and her children.

In our decision making process, we usually organise our thoughts and actions according to established criteria or priorities. When deciding on the given order Jacob used the mentioned priority. On reflecting it seems that he still had a place for Rachel in his heart because he did not place her in the front line, but placed her at the back in a position that was close to him as a precaution in order to preserve her life.

On reflecting as humans God is to be our main priority. He is to come even before our family, even though our family truly loves us there is no love that can be compared to the love of God. As humans we are egoistic and self-centred, however God is all generous all the time giving us of himself and his graces. For God we are also the top priority. When we go to work or go abroad God sends us His angels to take care of us. Our guardian angels are full time workers with God because He cares for us. Although we may have a day that is filled to capacity, we are always to give God a priority and make time to spend with him. It is indeed a priority to block out time to be with God either in prayer, communion, or maybe even visiting people in hospital or jail or for instance in homes for the elderly on a weekly basis. God is to be our main priority.

3 He himself went on ahead of them, bowing himself to the ground seven times, until he came near his brother.

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 3)

After having had such a strained relationship with his brother Esau, Jacob approached his brother in a spirit of humility and respect as he approached his brother. According to the author of this chapter that is Mr. Deevain Ajit Pawar his father tells him that we are never to pray God to give us an easy life but to give us the strength to face our difficulties of life both spiritually and even psychologically. When we experience growth on such levels our attitude to life changes. With God on our side, problems become challenges, and God gives us the necessary means and strength to face them throughout the days of our lives.

Jacob had adopted this positive attitude. On having made an intimate encounter with God that was so strong to have totally changed his life, Jacob became humble and full of praise to God. In turn God gave him the necessary means in order to be able to meet his brother Esau, whom he had greatly feared after their initial encounter at home. Now that God was with Jacob he felt more confident to meet his brother. Therefore when we find it hard to meet somebody that has either hurt us in the past we are to place our full hope, faith and trust in God and face the moment of encounter, that will be arranged by God at the perfect time and place. This may take some time because God's timing is different from ours. I am still waiting for the time of encounter with my own earthly father. I pray to God that when the time comes, I will be strong in faith, loving and caring enough to face the situation, instead of turning on my own worldly and sinful resources and run away from the situation.

4 But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept.

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 4)

After seeing Jacob Esau ran and greeted him warmly as his brother. I can just imagine Jacob's heartbeat increasing on seeing Esau, and the relief he felt when seeing Esau's changed reaction to him. This had been totally unexpected. Jacob had been afraid of what was going to happen to him if Jacob ever was to met his brother. Many times our fears and thoughts hold us back from changing in both our human interactions with others and even in our relationship with God. In our heads we have many 'but'; 'if' and maybe even 'why' questions or assumptions that hinder us from facing the great and important moment of change. In God's language this is facing the great leap of faith. In such situations we are to stop and pray God to strengthen during such challenging moments, when our human weakness may get the better of us, if we do not place our complete trust in God.

5 When Esau looked up and saw the women and children, he said, "Who are these with you?" Jacob said, "The children whom God has graciously given your servant."

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 5)

Due to the fact that Esau had not seen Jacob for about fourteen years, he did not recognise the people who accompanied Jacob. On reflecting we can also ask ourselves the same question. who are we? Do I know the real me or am I living in the shadow of somebody else? Am I living as myself or as my idol? Am I the same person as the one who I am in the presence of my friends and maybe my family or am I a different person? Is my social self the same as my personal self or am I  a different person? Am I the type who trusts in God or do I act according to my own agenda?

6 Then the maids drew near, they and their children, and bowed down 7 Leah likewise and her children drew near and bowed down; and finally Joseph and Rachel drew near, and they bowed down.

(Genesis chapter 33 verses 6 to 7)

After Jacob's introductory meeting with Esau Jacob's maids wife and children came before Esau. They bowed to him as a sign of respect, and as a way of thanking him for his warm welcome. Just as Jacob and  his family respected and thanked Esau for his warm welcoming we also should be thankful and respectful to God, for his interventions in our lives. God's presence in our life is one of the gifts that money cannot buy. The role he plays in our lives is a very important one indeed and nobody can ever categorically deny that it exists.

8 Esau said, "What do you mean by all this company that I met?" Jacob answered, "To find favor with my lord." 9 But Esau said, "I have enough, my brother; keep what you have for yourself."

(Genesis chapter 33 verses 8 to 9)

Esau then asks Jacob  about the droves accompanying the herds as gifts to Esau. Jacob replies that the gift was a blessing of God's providence that Jacob wish to offer to Esau as gifts. Again Esau refuses to accept the gift even if it was the fruit of God's providence. Esau refused due to the fact that he already had enough property of his own and he did not need any more. 

In contrast to Esau, Jacob appreciated, the value of his family and of God's providence that consisted of family, flocks and servants. On reflecting Esau considered what he had simply as being of his produce and not as a blessing of God. This is the major difference between the carnal person of the world, to the spiritual person of God who is also living in the world. The values and the attitude is totally different. According to the author of this chapter Mr. Pewar, with whom I totally agree no matter how big or small is the gift and blessing, that we receive from God, we are to be thankful and not always have a consumerist  attitude and desire for more, because out of the smallest things gift or blessing that God gives, can be the opportunity of of something good.

10 Jacob said, "No, please; if I find favor with you, then accept my present from my hand; for truly to see your face is like seeing the face of God - since you have received me with such favor.

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 10)

Jacob offers Esau gifts and forces him to accept it in order to obtain his forgiveness. Seeing him again in an attitude of reconciliation was as beautiful as reconciling back with God. The difference with God as that God is always giving. Moreover as sinners we can never give or offer God as much as He gives and or offers us.

11 Please accept my gift that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have everything I want." So he urged him, and he took it.

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 11)

Jacob insisted so much that Esau should accept his gift that Esau was compelled to accept it. Jacob's attitude went against the logic of human nature that is avaricious meaning always wanting for itself, but never giving to others. There are some who are of the opinion that the more one has the happier one is or may become. However this is not true, because there are people who although they have all they want, they are still not happy. God is our greatest treasure, riches and or investment. Who has God indeed has everything and will be lacking in nothing, because all goodness flows from the heart of God, therefore it holds that whoever has God in his heart has all one needs.

12 Then Esau said, "Let us journey on our way, and I will go alongside you."

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 12)

Esau then asks Jacob that they both travel together on their way home. Maybe Esau wanted to spend time together with his brother, since it have been a long time since the two brothers had met. In the New Testament Jesus orders us that if a person asks us to walk a mile together we are to walk two. When we obey the will of God our ways reflect the Holy ways of God and we become more like Him. As in the case of Jacob and Esau God also would like to walk along with us along the path of our life. Walking along side is a sign of friendship, which is different to when one is asked to follow. In such case one is showing superiority over the other, however in the case of friends they walk side by side. However, in our walk with God there are moments when God simply has to walk before us, because in our moments of darkness He is our search light that shows us the way amidst the darkness.

13  But Jacob said to him, "My lord knows that the children are frail and that the flocks and herds, which are nursing, are a care to me; and if they are over driven for one day, all the flocks will die.

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 13)

Jacob then replies to Esau, that his flocks and children are young and frail and cannot be over driven to keep up with Esau's pace because if Jacob did so the consequences would be negative. Young children or animals are not expected to work or keep up with their elders. In our spiritual lives it is the same story. While we are still in the very beginning of our spiritual journey or relationship with God, we have to take it easy and not expect great things from ourselves. There are some of us, who in the beginning of their spiritual journey do alot of sacrifices or excessive acts of mutilation, such as wanting or actually harming themselves as an offering to God, when God never asked them to do such acts. The aim of that person may be that of quickly reaching a high degree of holiness when this is not the case.

14 Let my lord pass on ahead of his servant, and I will lead on slowly, according to the pace of the cattle that are before me and according to the pace of the children, until I come to my lord in Seir."

(Genesis chapter 33 verse 14)

As previously mentioned Jacob considered the consequences of his actions and humbly stuck to his own pace. It is very important to know our abilities and limitations in life and act accordingly. Moreover it is better to follow God than to trust in our fellow persons. He is aware of our destination and knows the perfect way that will lead us there.

15 So Esau said, "Let me leave with you some of the people who are with me." But he said, "Why should my lord be so kind to me?" 16 So Esau returned that day on his way to Seir.

(Genesis chapter 33 verses 15 to 16)

Esau requested to at least leave some of his people to protect and or take care of Jacob and his family, however Jacob refuses Esau's offer and even questions his brothers intentions. It could be that Jacob had other plans in mind, and did not plan to spend more time than necessary with his brother Esau. There is a saying that says familiarity breeds contempt. Moreover when we meet somebody with whom we have previously had a strained relationship we need time in order to feel confident to interact with that person. Fear could be still in our hearts. What if the person changes back to his old self and turns against me again? In Jacob's case the consequences would be very negative if this was to happen. 

17 But Jacob journeyed to Succoth, and built himself a house, and made booths for his cattle; therefore the place is called Succoth. 18 Jacob came safely to the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, on his way from Paddan-aram; and he camped before the city.

(Genesis chapter 33 verses 17 to 18)

After Esau's departure Jacob journeyed to Succoth which is a different location from that of Seir. He built himself a house and quarters for his flocks and herds to live in.  However it seemed that Jacob wanted to have his personal space from his brother Esau and decided to go further away from him and settled in the land of Shechem. It could be that Jacob was not yet ready to fraternise with his brother especially on being aware of how easily his mood can change. Instead of rushing into a new relationship Jacob decided to  take his time and if it actually was according to the will of God, it would come to be.

We all should never rush into relationships or never make hasty decisions, because when doing so we could make serious mistakes, that we would regret forever. Like God  we are to be patient loving and caring. Patience is a virtue worth practising it helps us in gaining self-control and in avoiding many quick decisions. In order not to rush things it is always best to consider the Will of God before reaching the final conclusion.  

19 And from the sons of Hamor, Shechem's father, he bought for one hundred pieces of money the plot of land on which he had pitched his tent. 20 There he erected an altar and called it El-Elohe-Israel.

(Genesis chapter 33 verses 19 to 20)

By means of Jacob or Israel God was unfolding His plan that involved the conquest of the land of Canaan for his chosen people. By means of Abraham God claimed the field of Machpelah were eventually Abraham and Sarah were buried. God works at a steady pace, surely but steady and does not rush when making His plans. Now many years after by means of Israel or Jacob God claimed another piece of the land of Canaan for the price of one hundred pieces of money. On having purchased the land from the son's of Hamor who was if I remember well related to Abraham, Jacob erected an altar in thanksgiving to God which he called El-Elohe-Israel and dedicated it God. On reflecting as children of God  we are to dedicate our selves to God and make time to thank him and pay our tribute Him and most of all place our trust in Him.

I would like to end this chapter with the following prayer,


      God you are kind and generous and we all know this, for a long time, I have defied you by acting like the devil by going your against your will, but in spite of this you are always there to greet, me and always be the one to lend a hand  in my difficulties, no matter how much I may oppose you or go against your will. Sorry for this, but inspite of this you, are always there to make me feel as if I am back home. Thank you for giving me the strength and courage to accept and face  challenges and for guiding me and showing me the path to strengthen the bond between us. Thank you very much for testing me and for turning my weaknesses into strengths and mostly for playing many important part in my life, for whatever part you may have played I know that it always has some good reason. 

Thank you God

(Deevain Ajit Pawar)

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