
Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Exodus chapter 22




1. When someone steals an ox or a sheep, and slaughters it or sells it: the thief shall pay five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 1)

The issue related in this verse is that of pay back in order to remedy for the stolen property. However on reflecting are faith, joy, love and peace not also precious 'property' to treasure? Therefore if a person is liable to compensate for such worldly materials once is also liable to compensate for the stealing of other mentioned issues such as that of love, faith peace and harmony both within our selves and within our environment.

2. If a thief be found breaking in, and is beaten to death, no bloodguilt is incurred; 3. but if it happens after sunrise, blood guilt is  incurred. 

(Exodus chapter 22 verses 2 to 3)

According to verses 2 and 3 if the murder happens at a particular time the crime is is punishable however, there is a time when such crime is not punishable. Firstly when reflecting to the commandments that God gave his people death is always wrong whatever the time of day, however in the New Testament Jesus tell us not to go to sleep while being angry with each other. Moreover this means that the issue is to be settled before the day ends. Therefore when applying verses 2 to 3 in this context the meaning is that if the murder is committed after sunrise which means on a new day the crime is not punishable for it was not dealt with on the day of the actual murder when the beating took place.

Therefore as sons and daughters it is best for us to deal with our issues while we still have time in their proper time and not procrastinate in resolving our issues or leaving them undone. As a consequence if we sleep in a state of anger the devil will have time to plant negative plans and thoughts and feelings of grudge and revenge in our hurt that we might implement on the following day instead of seeking forgiveness.

4. When the animal, whether ox or donkey or sheep is found alive in the thief's possession, the thief shall pay double.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 4)

This penalty can be justified by the fact that the accused would deny ever having stolen the property which in itself is a lie, and secondly the other part of the penalty would be based on the fact that the accused would be caught red handed in possession of the stolen property. One sin or negative act breeds another and another therefore the best thing is to be happy with what God has given us and not aim at taking others possessions.

5. When someone causes a field or vineyard to be grazed over, or lets livestock loose to graze in someone else's field, restitution shall be made from the best in the owner's field or vineyard.

(Exodus chapter 21 verse 5)

When somebody uses any other persons sources for his own personal benefit one has to pay back or make good with ones own resources. It could be that we exploit the skills of other people in order to reach our goals. The persons skills such as that of an illegal immigrant may be that of plastering and painting walls among others. We may makes us of the person's skills without having the intention of compensating the person with a worthy salary. In the spiritual life, we may abuse of the skills that God gives us without ever showing gratitude to him.

6. When fire breaks out and catches in  thorns so that the stacked grain or the standing grain or the field is consumed the one who  started the fire shall make full restitution. 

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 6)

When a fire set it is very difficult to stop. Moreover the consequences may be very difficult to reverse because of the destruction it leaves in its path. When we say something negative or scandalous about somebody the news spreads fast. When communication spreads it cannot be reversed and the consequences of that communication also have to be compensated by the person who spread the negative news or comments or lies.

7. When someone delivers to a neighbour money, or goods for safekeeping,  and they are stolen from the neighbour's house, then the thief, if caught shall pay double. 8. If the thief is not caught, the owner of the house shall be brought before Gods, to determine whether or not the owner had laid hands  on the neighbour’s goods.

(Exodus chapter 22 verses 7 to 8)

On reflecting our faith can also be stolen. As in the case of all gifts our faith was given to us. Along with the gift we were also given the responsibility of caring for the gift of faith. Therefore it is our duty to take care of our faith. Moreover anybody who attempts to steal our faith is guilty of such an act.

9. In any case of disputed ownership involving ox, donkey, sheep, clothing, or any other loss, of which  one party says, "This is mine," the case of both parties shall come before God; the one whom God condemns shall pay double to the other.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 9)

In such cases when both parties are claiming that the material good is theirs it is hard to judge who is the true owner. On reflecting would we quarrel over the possession of our faith as much as we would quarrel over material objects. I think it is worth reflecting on how precious is our faith to us.

10.When someone delivers to another a donkey ass, ox, sheep, or any animal for safe keeping,  and it dies, or is injured be or is carried off without anyone  seeing it, 11. an oath before the LORD shall decide between the two of them, that the one has not laid hands on the property of the other; the owner shall accept the oath, and no restitution shall be made. 12. But if it was stolen, restitution shall be made to its owner. 13. If it was mangled by beasts, let it be brought as evidence, restitution shall not be made for the mangled remains. 

(Exodus chapter 22 verses 10 to 13)

When two people decide to marry each other they agree to give their love to each other for safe keeping. However others may move in and try to destroy that love that existed between the couple. The couple are to appear before God or before His ministers in order to discuss the issue. Moreover, the guilty party is to give evidence of ones intervention in order to help restore the fullness of the original relationship once again.

14. When someone borrows an animal from another and it is injured or dies, the owner not being present, full restitution shall be made. 15. If the owner was present, there shall be no restitution: If it was hired, only the hiring fee is due.

(Exodus chapter 22 verses 14 to 15)

When giving these rules to us and especially to His people God made sure that whatever wrong we may have done we were and still are to pay the price or experience the consequences of our actions, whether in the positive or in the negative. God always gives us the opportunity to amend our sins by going for confession. 

16. When a man seduces a virgin who is not yet engaged to be married, and lies with her, he shall give the bride-price for her and her his wife. 17. But if her father refuses to give her to him, he shall pay an amount equal to the bride-price for virgins.

 (Exodus chapter 22 verses 16 to 17)

The issue mentioned in verses 16 to 17, is a very popular one. The author of this chapter Mr. Deevain Ajit Pawar puts forward the commonly held question whether it is right to sleep with another person.s husband or wife and gives us the following insights. When somebody sleeps with someone as in the case of a one night stand, this is not showing love and respect to the other person. It is a mockery of marriage and the satisfaction of ones carnal desires and needs, that has nothing to do with love. Therefore it is totally wrong.

In the beginning God gave us a perfect model on which to base our marriage, that is it is to consist of strictly one man and woman that become united as one by means of the sacrament and even psychologically and spiritually in time because this is a life long process that only God can enable and bring to fulfilment.

18. You shall not permit a female sorcerer to live.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 18)

On reflecting I question whether God strictly prohibited female sorcerers and not all sorcerers or even male sorcerers. It could be due to the strong seductive influence that certain females have over certain men, (so as not to generalise) who although may consider themselves macho still have the soft spot especially when put to the test.

19. Whosoever lies with an animal  hall be put to death.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 19)

This in itself is again a mockery of love that is sacred as long as it is as God had created it. According to the author of this chapter, 'here are many things practise such as sodomy which is not only a sin but also a barbaric act. Moreover our source adds that,' only a person who is no less than a salvage can do this and for what just for our lust for some mere pleasure.'

20. Whoever sacrifices to any gods, other than the LORD alone, shall be devoted to destruction.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 20)

God wants to be the one and only presence in our lives. He is our one and only father and we are devoted to Him.

21. You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 21)

We are not to be indifferent to others especially to people who are enduring different moments in their life, for during our lives, we all at some point in time experienced such times when we were in our Egypt.

22. You shall not abuse any widow or orphan.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 22)

Thus since the beginning of the foundations of civilisation there was already the abuse of both adults and children.

23. If you do abuse them, when they  cry out to me,  will surely heed their cry 24. my wrath will burn, and I will kill you with the sword, and your wives shall become widows, and your children orphans.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 23)

God does not want us to hurt anyone. He is against all forms of abuses especially that directed to inferior groups such as children and or widows. Being and orphan or a widow during such times was really tough meaning that one had no form of support and therefore one would depend entirely on the community, which in itself was also a form of abuse because if one did not obey or agree with  the community one would end up denied all forms of privileges and means of survival. On the other hand God wants us to be kind compassionate and loving to others and not be abusive in any way.

25. If you lend money to my people, to the poor among you, you shall not deal with them as a creditor; you shall not extract interest from them. 

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 25)

God wants us to be just in our dealings with others throughout our everyday life in our transactions with others. God stresses on being generous and doing acts of charity with those in need instead of charging them for every thing that we do or service given to our fellow Christians and even non Christians. God gives us freely every single day of our life, without charging us one single cent for all the breath that He gives us, for all our work, love care and support. If He was ever to charge us for our well being we would never be able to pay the price. Therefore likewise we are to adopt this same attitude of God in our transactions with others in the sense, that we were given freely and therefore we are to give freely.

26. If you take your neighbour's cloak in pawn, you shall restore it before the sun goes down. 27, for it may be your neighbour's only clothing to use as cover; in what else shall that person sleep? And if your neighbour cries out to me, I will listen, for I am compassionate.

(Exodus chapter 22 verses 26 to 27)

On reflecting there is a want and a need. People with many wants but few or no needs risk dealing in property with others because they have nothing to loose but more to gain because their needs are all fulfilled. People who are very proud of themselves have no place for God in their lives, because they have become their own god. They are rich and powerful in their dealings with others who may not be that well off. However God deals justly both with those in need and even with  those who think they are rich and mighty for He is compassionate. 

28. You shall not revile Gods, or curse a leader of your people.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 28)

God is now referring to the respect and love that we are to have both for God as our leader and father and both for our worldly leaders. Although we may find fault in our worldly leaders such as head of states prime ministers amongst others we are to seek to find the positive in such people and not curse what we consider to be their negative traits. We are to keep in mind that only blessings come from God and not curses. Therefore when we are cursing somebody we are being a medium that the devil uses in order to achieve his evil and negative goals.

29. You shall not delay to make offerings from the fullness of your harvest and from the outflow of your presence.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 29)

God wants us to adopt an attitude of thanks giving especially to Him. When God answers our prayers and even when He does not for some good reason we are still to be thankful to Him. This is something that God really likes. God dwells on our praise, worship and thanksgiving.

30. You shall do the same with your oxen and with your sheep: seven days it shall remain with its mother; on the eighth day you shall give it to me.

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 30)

God likes our offerings and is more than happy when we give offerings to Him. As in the case of parents who offer their sons and daughters in order to become priests and or sisters of Jesus, For a time they spend their time with their parents but when the time comes for them to leave home God will ask them to do so.

31. You shall be people consecrated to me: therefore you shall not eat any meat that is mangled by beasts in the field, you shall throw it to the dogs. 

(Exodus chapter 22 verse 31)

God considers us as being holy because He is holy and wishes us to remain like him. In order to remain in this state of purity God wants us to stay away from anything that is unclean.

The author of this chapter Mr.Deevain Ajit Pawar chose to end this chapter with the following prayer:

God thank you for your holy Words, which has been as guidance for us. Thank you for giving me a chance to amend my ways. As a human, I will always be prone to sin and without your help I can never achieve a full state of perfectness. 

 Thank you God for everything

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